

Mothers are Special

Paul Bear Bryant used to say to his players, “Have you called your mama today, I sure wish I could call mine.”  I always thought that it was good that he encouraged those young men to talk to their mothers each day.  I also thought it was very sad that he could not call his.

When your mother calls and seems to talk about things she may have already told you, or seems to keep you from doing something you deem so important, listen with interest and love because she won’t always be there. When that time comes you will wish you had and that you had called her more often than you did. You will wish you could hear her voice again no matter what she wanted to talk about. Let us never forget how much mothers love their children.

The ultimate “I love you” was shown by our mother when she made the choice to give us life, never ever considering an alternative.  Most of us have probably never given much thought to the times we literally made our mother sick. It is called morning sickness, and not limited to just mornings.  Of course, there were the backaches, sleepless nights and much, much more until finally, the physical pain of giving birth.  And just think, if you were not the first child, she knew what she was facing, but chose to endure it anyway. That was love.

All of us do remember a lot of things about our mother. Many folks probably remember some of the same things as others. Many remember, sit up straight. Wipe your feet before you come in this house. You are not going out of this house looking like that. Because I said so! What in the world were you thinking? This hurts me more than it hurts you. I am doing this because I love you.

This is what we heard at the time. What we didn’t hear was her heart breaking because she had to correct you. You didn’t feel those kisses on your cheek as you slept. You were not aware of being rocked all night when you were sick. You were not aware of the many tears shed wishing for your recovery.

A mother is the best and truest friend you will ever have. Some friends will love you when things are going good, but in times of trouble may forsake you.  A mother will be there through thick and thin. A mother will love you no matter what. She will provide comfort without booking you for a guilt trip.

Mothers ache to hold you, for they know sorrow. They are never closer than when you are bleeding from the heart. They may know the death of a parent, the death of a spouse, the death of a child. They may know the devastation of rejection and the destruction of the road they thought their life was taking. Mothers know a lot about life. They know sweeping the floor, family reunions, and stubbed toes. They know all these things. They know you.

Most of us men have, at one time or another, said, “my wife ain’t my mother, why should I buy her a gift on Mother’s Day?” Well let us look at exactly what our wife is.

My wife is the one I go to when I need comfort and loving care, mama used to do that. My wife is the one I go to when I need a button sewed on my shirt, just like mama used to do. My wife is the one that furnishes my “magic closet”, you know, the place where all my clothes are hanging, all washed and ready to wear, no matter where I left them, just like mama used to do.                                                                                      

My wife supports me in my work, and in play, just like mama used to do. My wife understands and loves me, even when I am less than loveable, just like mama used to do. My wife always sees the good in me, just like mama.  On second thought, maybe I had better run out to the store and get her a little something after all.

Mothers are a gift from God. “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him” (Gen. 2:18). They are called wives and mothers. Whether it is our mother, grandmother, mother of our children, neighborhood mothers or our mothers in Christ, mothers have a great influence upon this world, and eternity.  God made mothers to be special, and they certainly are! Happy Mothers’ Day.